How to succeed at the 3 key steps of your customer journey
Marketing is simple in theory: you follow your customers along their decision process as they search for a product or service that can satisfy their needs.
The Marketing Funnel is Dead (Part 1)
Right now, when most business owners and marketers think about how customers interact with their businesses, they think in terms of a funnel that looks something like this:
Project: Automate Consulting, The Humanlytics Approach (Part 2)
As explained in the previous article of this series, when designing a self-driving car, the purpose of the artificial intelligence is clear - move the passenger from point A to point B most efficiently without violating any traffic laws.
3 Reasons Why Digital Marketers Should Track Metrics on a Weekly Basis
Digital marketing data is very susceptible to seasonal fluctuations. That’s why it’s helpful to look at your analytics on a weekly basis to minimize making decisions based on noise. Image via Tim Wilson, Analytics Demystified.
How to Migrate your Blog Content from Medium to Squarespace
Just this week, we at Humanlytics decided to migrate all of our past content (including our tutorials, Q&As, and think pieces) from our Medium blog (Analytics for Humans) to our Squarespace website (
Can we stop talking about Artificial Intelligence displacing jobs already?
Okay, here are the hard facts: AI will bring dramatic changes to our society in the next few decades and take away many, if not the majority, of the jobs that exist today.
How to Use Customer Segmentation in Google Analytics to Build Your Buyer Persona
This article is part of our Google Analytics tutorials series. Check out our previous post on How to Set Up Goal Funnel Visualization Reports on Google Analytics.
What we get wrong about Artificial Intelligence
These are not the AI challenges you’re looking for Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most hyped terms in the 21st century, and yet one of the most misunderstood.
How to Set Up Goal Funnel Visualization Reports on Google Analytics
In last week’s article, we walked you through how to properly set up Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. In that tutorial, we briefly explained how to set up Google Analytics goals in order to measure your business objectives for your digital channels.
How to track events on your website with Google Tag Manager
today we are going to show you how to send these events to Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager.
How to Setup Google Analytics Correctly
According to a 2017 survey by Clutch, about 71% of small businesses in the U.S. have a website and understand the value of having a digital presence.
Should Small Business Entrepreneurs Use Influencer Marketing?
The idea behind influencer marketing is simple. In a nutshell, it is simply focusing on key “influencers,” or leaders with influence, to deliver a message to your target market. Unlike traditional marketing, influencer marketing pays key influencers to do the marketing for you, instead of marketing directly to consumers.